Premium Soybean Seed Treatment

Pioneer Premium Soybean Treatment (PPST) is applied right at our facility.  PPST has proven year-over-year to provide better yield than untreated soybeans.  The standard treatment consists of an inoculant, fungicide, and insecticide.


We now offer Ilevo treatment to help control sudden death and better resist soybean cyst nematodes.  Ask about Ilevo if you have fields that will benefit!


The treatment system and bulk bins will be sourced from USC.  Each component of the seed treatment is accurately applied to ensure proper treatment across your entire order of soybeans!  The new system can easily treat from the bulk bins, or from another box.  This allows us the maximum flexibility in soybean variety selection and prevents customers from being pushed toward the varieties that are “in the bins”.  We can also treat partial boxes of soybeans upon request.  No more “planting out” the rest of a box you didn’t need!  Please see the following rendering showing our custom built system!
